To my sister, Therese(Olivia), thank you for enduring in this relationship. I know Frank is not my blood brother. But, thank you for taking care of him, also! Seeing the love and patience(or lack there of) that the two of you have for each other gives me hope for a Christian marriage. I see the trials that you face and the faith in which you are sustained and it helps me to see the importance of cooperation, compromise, and obedience.
This time, 4 years ago, also marked a turning point in my life. When I came home for the wedding, I was able to fully experience celebrations in the Way. Something I once saw as foreign, strange, and unorthodox suddenly seemed appealing and full of love and faith, like home. People whom I though were standoffish, snooty, and strange welcomed me like family. People who I thought loved and trusted me proved to be the opposite. In that trip home, I was able to truly open my eyes and see my life for what it was. To see the void that I thought was being filled and how it was, in reality, still an empty gaping hole.
So, you see, I have so much for which I have to thank Frank & Therese. Not only did they allow me to take part in their wedding. But, in the years that followed, they prayed for me and I can't even begin to explain how much that has helped. When I needed to come back home, they were there to help me, along with the rest of my family. When I felt that God had turned his ear from me, it was my sister that was able to get through to me and tell me that he really hadn't. So, thank you, my sister and brother... for all that you have done for me and continue doing for me today.

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