
Let Me Go In Peace

This morning, I had the pleasure of chatting with Andy about a song that he will be soloing at the Vigil for Peace, tomorrow night. I admit, I had not heard the song before today. But, I am happy to have had the chance to listen to it this morning. It speaks to me of the promise of God. That He shall send His Son for the salvation of Isreal, His people.

Andy and I spoke about the possibility of singing this song while one is on his deathbed. "Lord, let your servant go in peace." To be able to say, "Lord, I have done your will in my life. I have fulfilled my purpose on this earth. Please, take me home." This day, I long for.

Until that day comes, I pray that I am able to fulfill what he asks of me. I want to live my life to the fullest while still maintaining a good standing with Him. I want to share the love He has for me with those around me. I pray for the grace to be able to this.

I pray that when my time comes, when my journey is through, I am able to go in peace.

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