
Been A While

It's been way too long since I've posted something on here. Things have been happening so quickly lately that I haven't had the energy to put in to blogging.

Today, I had the chance to go through some storage that I've been meaning to sort through. Unfortunately, not only did it take time but it also drained me emotionally. It got me to think about a question that someone posed to me just earlier this week... That being, 'Are you over it?' Up until today, I thought I was.

Of course, there are times when you miss the physical contact. When you miss the affection. Heck, there are times when I even miss the disagreements that some with any relationship. But, I thought I was completely over a relationship that I removed myself from a little over two years ago. Hey, anyone would think that two years is long enough to move on.

While going through storage, I found a little box of trinkets that had been collected over about 8 years and the memories came flooding back. I guess it started with good memories... laughter, love, joy... Then the pain came and it was something that I wasn't expecting. I thought to myself... What are you doing?!

It's not that I regret leaving. Anyone can tell you that I am happier at this point in my life than I had been in the past. But, I guess I just miss the little things. Having someone there to hold you when you felt alone... Having someone to tell you that it's going to be ok... Having someone there to knock you when you know you're doing something completely insane!

Some time soon, there will be a burn session... A time when I can completely rid myself of these little trinkets that I keep finding around... The material things will no longer be here. But, the imprint that this person left in my heart will always be there. So, to answer the question... I guess I'm not completely over it... I probably never will be. This person will always be in my heart. But, I also realize that there is space in my heart for someone else... Someone who I have yet to meet... Someone who will fill the void there and maybe... just maybe... help me to reserve just a tiny space for the one that came before.

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