So, today, I received the news that I've been expecting for a week. I've had a week of preparation leading up to that moment where they asked me to step in to the office. The whole time, I knew what they were going to say... I knew the news that they were to deliver. All I could do was sit and nod and listen to what they had to say. No... wait... that's not all I could do. I also reflected on the readings from this past Sunday.
So, while they were giving their little speech. While they were giving me all the excuses. All the explanations. The only voice I focused in on was the voice of Fr. Alberto from Sunday and the voice of God whispering in my ear. What did he have to say? 'Do not worry, my daughter. Do not worry about what you shall eat, what you shall drink, what you shall wear. Look at the beauty I've set before. Look at the birds, they don't toil. Yet, your Father cares for them. What more you, whom he carved in His hand?' So, while I was destroyed by hearing this same news from other people last week, this week, I was filled with joy. I was filled with the excitement of the unknown.
On the ride home, there was an outpouring of love. I received words of encouragement from people who I didn't expect it from. I heard the love of my father through them. Of course I'm confused as to where to go from here. What to do now. I don't know if I should concentrate on the pilgrimage and on other things that are coming to a close in a few months or if I should run right out and find a new job. I'm not sure if I should jump at this opportunity to go back to school and not jump right back in to the work scene. There's no plan that's clear as day in front of my eyes.
I pray, Lord, for the spirit of discernment. I thank you for allowing me the opportunity to work so close to your church. For helping to keep me out of the clutches of the world. Please keep your hands upon me and allow me to see what you want of my in the coming weeks because without you, I am not... Without you, I am lost. What now?
God has a plan for you. Just pray that you find it. I'd say, take a break from work, let God show you where to go...