We've reached the final countdown for our flight to meet Jesus Christ in Madrid! As I write(err... type) this, we are at 14 hours until takeoff. I can't even begin to describe the feelings that are coursing through me at the moment!
The most powerful feeling I have right now is one of gratitude. Having been unemployed since March, I've had no other way of getting to Madrid than to fund raise. I am filled with the spirit of gratitude towards all those who have helped me on this journey. You are all a part of this pilgrimage. You see, the pilgrimage does not begin when we touch down at our destination. It doesn't begin with our check in at the airport. Our journey to meet Christ began once the desire took seed in our hearts. Basically, it began in 2008 with the closing of the last World Youth Day in Australia.
Without all your help with our fundraisers: ordering food plates, banana bread, truffles (OMG, the truffle saga)... Without you there in the background saying, 'You can do it!'... Without your prayers, we would never be able to step foot in that airplane. Let alone on the soil of what people call our 'motherland'.
Without my parents whose sweat and labor helped not only me but my whole group of friends, we would have tried and probably fallen flat on our faces. I owe my father and my mother a huge debt of gratitude! They were up with us on those nights that we didn't sleep, working well in to the morning hours. They were there for all the tears. All the screaming and fighting.
If you look at this now, it seems that the road to Madrid was all bumps and pot holes. But, it was far from it. For the most part, the road was paved with love, laughter, friendship, and faith. I have established friendships on this road that, I know, will last a lifetime.
God has been great to us. He has held us all up and has once again, risen, victorious! I look forward to the experience that he has laid out for me in Madrid, Spain and I pray that I remain open to whatever he has planned!
The plane ride though? That's another story!
Please pray for us while we journey half a world away to meet the Holy Father. I will be sure to keep you all in my prayers.
Thank you!
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