Yesterday, when she called, we didn't answer the phone. This is the normal response to the phone ringing at that time. So, rather than hanging up and trying to ring back in a couple of hours, she decides to leave a long message that we can all hear from the comfort of our beds. Her message? Well, it was an appeal for us to move our family to Washington state. According to her, there is so much more to see and do in Washington and we should leave Guam in order to experience this. How there's so much more opportunity there for our family to work and live.
This morning, was an instant replay of yesterday. Only, this time, mom answered the phone. So, I only heard one side of a really loud conversation. My mom politely excused herself from it after about five minutes of shouting in to the phone to a near deaf sister. From then on, the phone rang and rang and rang... All different people. But, still... It's too damned early to be ringing before 8am, people!
Anyway... here's my take on the whole option to move to Washington. People, I've done it. I've left this tiny island paradise to experience the life that the 'states' has to offer. You know what? It's not that great! The mainland has the same problems that we do. The economy is just as bad. The job market is pretty much non-existent. So, what we have when we move is all the same problems that we had living here only without the support system that we have readily available on this island.
To me, the mainland is OK to visit. But, my home is on this island. My family is here. My life. I'm sure if something pressing were to come up, I would be able to leave and relocate. But, for now, this island has a lot to offer me and dag nab it, I'm going to take it! There are some people who move away and find that it's exactly what they need. For me, moving away made me realize that I'm lucky to live here now.
So, to my family in the states... Please keep the rude awakenings to a minimum. The whole family has experienced the life that Washington has to offer and I think that if we decided that we liked it, we would be back here! We shall meet again one day... Until that day, please don't try to push your ultra westernized lifestyle on a family that loves the island style of life. Thank you.
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