
The Gift of Life

Recently, there has been a rather loud cry, voiced by the Christian communities of the world. This cry is to protect the lives of what some call fetuses. I call them 'babies'. There's been a voice calling from the general population that a woman has a right to choose. They never really say what she is choosing. But, the general idea is that if she gets pregnant... if the pregnancy is unplanned, then she has the right to choose what to do with her body. But, in aborting the child, is that choosing what she does to her body or choosing what she is doing to another being's body? If the pregnancy is planned and something goes wrong. If a defect is seen in ultrasounds or in tests that are run, she can terminate that pregnancy. If the child is not perfect then, many people choose to abort. But, who are we to say that that is the right choice? Who are we, in our stupidity, in our imperfection, to say whether a child is perfect or not?

In my opinion, we are all made perfect. We are just as we were meant to be. Even if we feel that our lives are headed in the wrong way. If we feel that we are imperfect. We need to remember that we are just as we were meant to be. We have no right to play God in this world. No matter how bad things get, there are still many things that we have in our lives, in our surroundings, that we can be thankful for. There are people out there that love us. There are many happy memories that we all possess. When we think of a child in the womb, we should try to remember that we all have that right to make happy memories. We all have the right to live.

Recently, a friend of mine shared a video with me. It had my whole office in tears. When I watched it, my heart went out to the parents of this child. To see the joy that these parents experienced in the short time they had, made me value life a little bit more. To see how the child developed and the progress he made, brought a smile to my face. It's a short and beautiful video. So, if you have about 7 minutes, I encourage you to watch it.

They joy that one experiences with a child, for however short a period that you have with him/her. The love that you feel for someone so precious. To see a smile brighten the face of your baby. To see the trust in the eyes of a life that you had a part in creating. To hold someone so tiny and fragile and feel that overwhelming sense of responsibility. To feel the protectiveness. To experience the joy of parenthood. In my opinion, all these things, and more, are worth the pain of child birth. It's worth the changes it makes to your life. It's worth the changes it makes to a woman's body. For however long you are gifted with a child, it is worth everything.

I have vowed over and over that if I were ever to conceive a child, I would do everything in my power to protect that life. I will value every second that I have with that child. I will protect that child with my life from conception to natural death. It is the least I can do in exchange for the many graces that I've been blessed with. There is no question in my mind that the greatest gift is the gift of life.

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